Executive Summary, The objective of this strategy is to address three core components of enterprise information management which covers Data on Boarding, Enterprise Governance, and Enterprise Analytics.

The Chief Data Office should be the conduit between Information Technology and the business having one foot in each camp enabling an agile approach to Information Management.

The strategy will provide a rapid data on-boarding process that starts with a Hadoop cluster. This process will include the use of scoop, pig, and hive as the tools used to collect source information into our data lake for consumption. Data will be consumed from the Data Lake and processed through a number of algorithms to standardize and to normalize the data. From there, the data will then go through the algorithms for removing duplications and applying governance prior to the data being consumed by any other resources. The master subjects in this initial strategy will be Patient, Provider, Facility, Organization, Employee and Payer. The objective of the 360° view, also known as a longitudinal view, presents the most up to date information we know about the mastered subject. It has the ability to identify and alert on missing information such as gaps in care, VIP patients, or other critical business needs.

In addition to the mastered subjects, there is the ability to show non-mastered data subjects such as quality measures in the 360° view. The main objective of the UI is to present information in a format which is easy to understand and consume such as a Continuity of Care Document (CCD) layout. From this point, the information is then moved into the enterprise data warehouse consisting of two layers: an atomic layer [transactional] and a fact and dimension layer of which is designed for reporting and will be the entry point for most of the business. Sitting on top of the fact and dimension layer is a reporting semantic layer that presents information in a more business centric format and is where reporting calculations and rules live. The fact and dimensional layer of the model allows us to aggregate information such as registries, views, snapshots and custom data marts just as an example.

The enterprise reporting strategy will include delivering a framework for operational and managed reports. This framework will use a number of existing tools and start to expand on our Cognos enterprise business intelligence toolset. Cognos itself can use and present multiple tools through a single portal where the end-user would be unaware of which widget / graph and where it came from. This will allow us to eventually standardize on an enterprise business intelligence toolset without having to migrate any current operational reporting to a new tool

This strategy will need a number of resources. The Chief Data Office currently has three core work streams: data integration, data integrity, and business intelligence of which we refer to as the 3i’s. To enable the strategy to grow to a Center of Excellence, we will need to leverage the operational businesses in two ways. First will be to permanently assign subject matter experts to the Chief Data Office team and second will be to create a virtual team as and when required. This approach will allow us to leverage a Center of Excellence effectively for all operational service lines allowing us to be agile in the methodology of delivery. For example, if we have created a framework for a balanced scorecard for clinical outcomes, that could be leveraged across other operational service lines allowing a delivery far faster than them working in silos. In turn this will also save significant amount of cost.